Taylor Hughes-Barrow

side profile headshot of Taylor Hughes-Barrow wearing a Black leather jacket

What is your current major/minor?

I am a third-year student studying Human Development and Family Studies and I am minoring in Law, Justice, and Public Policy and Digital Humanities.

How did you find Digital Humanities?

I was explaining to my advisor how I was interested in combining my social justice work in a creative way. As I’ve grown up technology has played a major role in my development and has been a useful tool for me. I was looking for something to intersect social justice work in a creative digital format that is engaging, creative, and accessible. She then gave me the contact information for the Digital Humanities advisor and I was able to set up an appointment. I learned more about the minor and got connected with the community! Last spring I saw an email about the Global Symposium internship and took on that opportunity. It really expanded my understanding of Digital Humanities and allowed me to see the multitude of ways to connect humanities work to digital projects

What do you like most about Digital Humanities?

What I like the most about Digital Humanities is that it is so broad. There is room to do so many different topics that align with your interests and passions. I am very passionate about education and was drawn to the idea of the intersection of technology and humanity work to educate. I like the idea of utilizing technology and using digital tools to show data and display information in a different format that challenges people to view different perspectives in a unique way.

How is Digital Humanities enriching your academic experience?

While taking Introduction to Digital Humanities (DH285- a required course for the minor) I was exposed to so many interesting and different types of Digital Humanities projects. This inspired me greatly when creating my own Digital Humanities project. By the end of the course we were tasked with creating our own project of our choice and I created a website using digital tools that explored Decolonizing Education. It was exciting to take a passion of mine and further do research and utilize those tools to tell a story and educate others. I was able to submit it to the Honors College: Diversity Research Showcase and that was my first time presenting a research project. It was such a great learning experience to have! I also will be presenting my work in UURAF this spring! Digital Humanities have allowed me to tap into my creativity and infuse that into my academic career, gaining opportunities that have helped me grow academically and personally.

What have you learned so far that you didn’t expect about Digital Humanities?

I have learned that there is no right way to go about creating a Digital Humanities project. There are so many creative ways that are so expansive from topics to mediums that can build an amazing project. I didn’t expect the broadness of the field but I appreciate the creative flexibility to exist within the community without having to fit into a certain box.

What advice might you have for other students as it relates to Digital Humanities?

The advice I have for other students would be to talk to as many people as possible. I have always been a person to ask questions and you’ll find that most people are enthused to share their own journey or advice and could point you to people or tools that can help you. This community has been so great in providing workshops, opportunities, and exposure to the DH community on a global scale. Take advantage of those opportunities while they are available to you (for free!). You can learn a lot from simply talking to people, asking questions, and attending events. Eventually, this will lead you to foster your own creative ideas and from there bet on yourself and just go for it!

The following piece was originally created for the DH@MSU Newsletter and was featured in the March 1, 2023 issue. Subscribe to the Newsletter here.