Email: vsetecka[at]msu[dot]edu
Twitter: @JohnVsetecka
HREC Mapping Project
“Mapping Holodomor Resolutions and Proclamations” ArcGIS StoryMap
John Vsetecka earned a PhD from the Department of History at Michigan State University with a Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities in Spring 2023. He is a historian of eastern Europe, the Soviet Union, and twentieth-century Ukraine, and his dissertation focused on the aftermath of the 1932-33 famine in Soviet Ukraine, now referred to as the Holodomor. During his time at MSU, John worked on several DH projects related to Ukraine and his research on famine. As part of his graduate certificate in digital humanities, John created a mapping project that traces Holodomor proclamations and resolutions issued by states and provinces in the US and Canada. These government documents have been integral for promoting the history and study of the 1932-33 Holodomor in North America, and the map has become a tool that is now used by activists, politicians, as well as scholars studying the transnational memory of the famine. In addition to this mapping project, John also founded H-Ukraine (part of the larger H-Net platform), which is a site dedicated to promoting scholarly and intellectual content related to the study of Ukraine. He currently serves as an editor and board member for H-Ukraine. Following graduation, John began a postdoctoral research fellowship at the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute for the 2023-2024 academic year.