About Justin
Justin Wigard received the Graduate Certificate in Fall 2020. While at MSU, he worked on DH projects related to comics, games, and literature. Two prominent projects include creating an Open Educational Resource and organizing an international Wikidata editing event, both which lower barriers of access to the MSU Comic Arts Collection. His primary Digital Humanities project whaile at MSU was his dissertation, titled Level 101: A Video Game About Video Games, a playable video game that he wrote, coded, and programmed to teach players about video game history, design, and theory. This project unites his interests in literary studies, digital practices, and teaching: to play is to learn, and vice versa. Justin received his Doctorate in English in 2022 and is continuing his academic adventures in comics, games, literature, monster flicks, and digital humanities. He is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Distant Viewing Lab at University of Richmond.
Level 101: A Video Game About Video Games

Affiliated Projects: https://graphicpossibilities.hcommons.org/ | https://libguides.lib.msu.edu/GraphicPossibilities
DH Seed Grant Reports:
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