LOCUS is a new series of presentations from people at MSU doing work in DH. The second is Apr 9, 3pm. Click here for more info.

LOCUS: Call for Participation (full information found at

Partners: Writing Rhetoric and American Cultures, Political Science, and the Social Science Data Analytic Initiative

Submit Proposal( CFP Closes – 3/31/2015  4/3/2015)
Register (space is limited)  –

Date: 4/9/2015
Time: 3:00-5:30
Location: Main Library, 3 West, REAL Classroom

Increasingly, scholars operating in a wide array of disciplines use computational methods to study digital texts. These digital texts include but are not limited to journal articles, professional proceedings, government documents, novels, websites, and social media (Twitter, Facebook, among others). How can the content of these sources be collected and analyzed to infer the underlying structure and dynamics of human intent or behavior? What computational hurdles and opportunities exist to fruitfully utilize this digitized information in the context of (inter)disciplinary questions?  What leverage does digital text as a medium offer vs. its analog antecedents?  To what extent do computational methods align, complement, or diverge from methods used to study analog text? This LOCUS will gather scholars together to explore these questions in the context of specific research projects and/or pedagogical applications.

LOCUS Presentations are:
– 7-10 minutes presentation time
– Present on works in progress
– Present on completed projects
– Demo a method, tool, or resource
– Share “the seed” of an idea

Submission Guidelines:
– 300-500 words describing your presentation
– Highlight the connection between technology/digital method(s) and research and/or pedagogy