Digital Humanities
Digital humanities encompasses both the study of culture using digital methods and the study of digital culture. In digital humanities, we analyze cultural materials and tell stories using digital technologies while maintaining a critical lens.
Digital Humanities at Michigan State University (DH@MSU) facilitates collaborations among the digital centers, labs, programs, and projects across campus. Our community supports innovative research, scholarship, teaching, and public engagement at a national and international level. We work through interdisciplinary partnerships and hands-on use of digital methods and tools toward social action and experiential learning.
Transformative Research and Pedagogy

Digital methodologies for humanistic study, backed by humanistic understandings of the digital through the Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities

Build hands-on digital skills while developing a critical perspective on digital technology through the Minor in Digital Studies in the Arts and Humanities
The DH@MSU Community
THATCamp is an annual Unconference for MSU faculty, staff, and students to bring people back together after the summer and introduce new folks to the DH@MSU community
Learn about DH work at any stage of development through lightning talk presentations. Projects funded by DH Seed Grants during the previous summer are included as are other projects from around campus.
DH@MSU presents annual Distinguished Lectures to the community, in which speakers from off campus and on campus showcase their work
Spend four weeks in London and Scotland learning about the intersection of culture and the digital through on-site, behind-the-scenes visits to museums, libraries, archives, galleries, and plays. Open to all students, this program includes an IAH course and can count toward the Minor.