DH@MSU holds a variety of events over the course of the year. In addition to the events that DH@MSU organizes, check out the calendar of events going on around MSU that may be of interest to the community. Below the calendar is a list of past events, including links to slides and recordings, where available.
Subscribe to the events calendar here on Google Calendar. or subscribe here as an iCal (Apple Calendar).
Events this Semester – Spring 2025
- January 17, THATCamp (Virtual) Spring 2025
- April 2-8, Global Digital Humanities Symposium
- April 23, DH End of Year Celebration, 3PM-5PM, Main Library, Green Room (4th Floor)
Past Events
Fall 2024
- August 20, THATCamp (In-Person) Fall 2024, MSU Main Library, Digital Scholarship Lab (2nd Floor, West)
- November 14, 2nd Annual Research Showcase, 12PM-2PM, MSU Main Library, Digital Scholarship Lab (2nd Floor, West), Flex Space
- December 4, End of Semester Celebration, 3PM-5PM, MSU Main Library, Green Room (4th Floor West)
Spring 2024
- January 12, THATCamp (Virtual), 9:30AM-3:00PM
- February 15th, Local Spotlight Lecture, Dr. Stephanie Jordan, 1PM-2:30PM, Digital Scholarship Lab, Flex Space, and over Zoom
- March 18-20 (Virtual), 22-23 (In-Person, Green Room, MSU Main Library) Global Digital Humanities Symposium
- April 18, End of Semester Celebration, 3PM-5PM, Green Room, MSU Main Library
Fall 2023
- August 24, THATCamp (In Person), 8:30AM-3:30PM
- September 6, Social Hour, Faculty/Staff Focus, 11:30AM – 12:30PM
- September 20, Social Hour, Graduate Student Focus, 11:30AM – 12:30PM
- October 4, Social Hour, Faculty/Staff Focus, 11:30AM – 12:30PM
- October 19, Research Showcase, 12:00PM-2:00PM
- November 1, Social Hour, Undergraduate Student Focus, 11:30AM – 12:30PM
- November 16, Distinguished Lecture, Dr. Suzanne Churchill, 4:00PM- 5:30PM
- November 29, Social Hour, Faculty/Staff Focus, 11:30AM – 12:30PM
- December 7, End of Semester Celebration, 3:00PM – 5:00PM
Spring 2023
- January 6, THATCamp Virtual 2023
- March 13-15 (Virtual), March 17 (In-Person), Global Digital Humanities Symposium
- April 19, Faculty Meeting and Celebration
Fall 2022
- August 26, THATCamp MSU
- September 13, (Virtual), Digital Humanities Research Highlights, Dr. Christina Boyles and Dr. Catherine Ryu
- October 3, Distinguished Lecture, Kimberly Christen “Always Coming Home: Relations of Repair in the Digital Humanities“
- November 3, Locus Mini-Symposium: Comics, Data, & Community
- December 1, Faculty Meeting and End of Semester Celebration
Spring 2022
- January 28, (Virtual) THATCamp MSU
- February 24, (Virtual), Local Distinguished Lecture: Sharon Leon, “From Scholar to System to Scale: Generating Meso-level Historical Data to Recover the Lived Experiences of Enslaved People”
- March 23-25, Global Digital Humanities Symposium
- April 21, End of Semester Celebration and Awards Ceremony
Fall 202
Fall 2021
- August 26, THATCamp MSU
- September 22, Digital Humanities Research Highlights
- Kate Birdsall, “The Cube: Superheroes Die in the Summer”
- Christina Boyles, “An Update on the Archivo de Respuestas Emergencias de Puerto Rico”
- Jessica Stokes, “Wingin’ It: The Material of Re-Storying the Ramayana”
- Stephanie Vasko, “Synthesizing the Sound of Space”
- October, 12, (Virtual), Distinguished Lecture: Jacqueline Wernimont, “Visceral Data: Renderings that Matter” (video recording available)
- November 4, (Virtual), Locus Mini-Symposium: Spin-offs: The MI Diaries Project as a Starting Point
- December 2, (Virtual) End of Semester Celebration (cancelled)
Spring 2021
- January 18, THATCamp Lite
- April 1, End of Semester Celebration
- April 12-15, Global Digital Humanities Symposium
Fall 2020
- August 27, THATCamp MSU
- September 18, Digital Humanities Research Highlights
- October 6, Distinguished Lecture: Victoria Szabo, “The Virtual in the Digital: Post-DH Approaches to Collaborative Scholarly Practice”
- November 4, Locus Mini-Symposium: Intersections of Digital Technology and Gender Studies
- December 2, End of Semester Celebration
Spring 2020
- January 14, Digital Humanities Speaker Series
- Max Evjen on “Collaboration, Iteration, and Exchange: Academic Museums as Digital Laboratories”
- February 11, Digital Humanities Speaker Series
- Erik Ponder on “Sites of Memory: Creating Immersive Content for Scholarly Inquiry”
- Joyce-Zoe Farley on 1967 Detroit and the Role of Oral History and Digital Projects in the Preservation of Memory
- Tianyi Kou on “Multiculturalism in the German Football World”
- March 26-27, Global Digital Humanities Symposium (Symposium website)
- April 23, End of Semester Recognition Celebration
Fall 2019
- August 22, THATCamp MSU (schedule)
- September 10, Speaker Series
- Alice Lynn McMichael & Autumn Painter, “Campus as Laboratory: An Oral History of MSU’s Campus Archaeology Program” (project website)
- Kristen Mapes, Computational Analysis of Digitized Images from the Roman de la Rose Digital Library (image analysis slides)
- October 10, Workshop – Introduction to Drupal, led by Kate Topham
- October 22, Speaker Series
- Matthew Handelman and Ryan Carty, “Visualizing German-Jewish Intellectual Life in the Twentieth Century”
- Soohyun Cho on the “Eye-tracking and Text Analysis”
- November 4, Distinguished Lecture: Catherine Knight Steele, “Black feminists taught me: Lessons for the digital humanities from digital black feminism” (recording available with MSU login credentials)
- November 21, Locus Mini-Symposium: Visualization, Gaming, and Digital Storytelling
Spring 2019
- February 5, Tool Time – Visualizing Maps and Networks with Vistorian (Vistorian slides and sample data), led by Kristen Mapes
- February 12, Speaker – The Hallowed Grounds: Race, Slavery, and Memory, Hilary N. Green (recording)
- February 28, Colloquium
- Stephanie Mahnke (PhD Candidate in the Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures Department) “The Underground Project: Mapping Lansing’s LGBTQ Heritage”
- Julian Chambliss (Professor of English) “Making History: Podcasts as Digital Humanities Projects”
- March 12, Tool Time – Tips for Working with Data in Excel, led by Megan Kudzia
- March 21-22, Global Digital Humanities Symposium (Symposium website)
- April 9, Tool Time – Soundcite, led by Andy Boyles Petersen
- April 17, Colloquium
- Eric Rodriguez (PhD Candidate in the Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures Department) “Building Collectives: On the Building Healthcare Collectives Project” (BHC slides)
- Valentina Denzel (Assoc Professor of French Literature) “Legacies of the Enlightenment: Project History and Lessons Learned”
Fall 2018
- September 6, Workshop – Getting Started with Digital Humanities (Getting Started workshop slides), led by Kristen Mapes, Brandon Locke, Megan Kudzia, & Devin Higgins
- September 19, Colloquium – with presentations by Kate Birdsall and Erica Holt & Daniel Fandino
- September 25, Tool Time – Chronicling America (Chronicling America tutorial), led by Brandon Locke
- October 5, Workshop – Playing and Breaking Games, led by Catherine Ryu (Breaking Games slides)
- October 17, Colloquium – with presentations by Jon Keune and Alexandra Hidalgo
- October 23, Tool Time – TAGS: Twitter Archiving, led by Kristen Mapes
- November 7, Workshop – Regular Expressions for Digital Humanities, led by Tianyi Kou and Megan Kudzia
- November 13, Tool Time – Snappy Summaries, led by Megan Kudzia
- November 15, Distinguished Lecture: N. Katherine Hayles, “Do Computers Participate in Meaning-Making?” (recording available with MSU login credentials)
- November 29, Locus: Narrative
Spring 2018
- February 6, Workshop – Introduction to Data Visualization and Tableau, led by Kristen Mapes (Tableau workshop slides)
- February 7, Workshop – Introduction to Audio Analysis, led by Michael Laney
- March 22-23, Global Digital Humanities Symposium (Symposium website)
- April 3, Workshop – Introduction to Game Making with Twine, led by Cody Mejeur and Howard Fooksman (Twine workshop slides)
Fall 2017
- September 7, Workshop – Getting Started in the Digital Humanities: Beginner Tools (Getting Started workshop slides), led by Kristen Mapes, Brandon Locke, Megan Kudzia, Devin Higgins
- October 11, Workshop – Preparing and Exploring Local Public Data with Tableau (Public Data workshop slides, Public Data workshop dataset, Tableau tip sheet), led by Brandon Locke and Kristen Mapes
- October 19, Workshop – Experimental Design in the Digital Humanities, led by Laura McGrath and Cody Mejeur
- November 1, Workshop – Getting Started with Content Management Systems and Web Publishing (CMS workshop slides), led by Megan Kudzia and Marco Seiferle-Valencia
- November 9, Workshop – Security and Privacy in Online Scholarship (Security workshop slides), led by Lindsay Blackwell, Brandon Locke, Megan Kudzia
- November 15, Workshop – Crash Course in Research Data Management (Data Management workshop slides), led by Scout Calvert
- December 7, Locus Mini-Symposium: Social Media and Social Media Analysis
Spring 2017
- January 25, Workshop – Podcasting for Academics (Podcasting workhsop slides), led by Yelena Kalinsky
- February 1, Workshop – Introduction to Audio Analysis (Audio Analysis workshop slides), led by Michael Laney
- February 28, Workshop – Introduction to Image Analysis (Image Analysis workshop slides) (prepping ImagePlot document) (ImagePlot documentation), led by Cody Mejeur
- March 16-17, Global Digital Humanities Symposium (Symposium website)
- March 27, Workshop – Building Digital Collections with Omeka (Omeka workshop materials, including slides and tipsheets), led by Scout Calvert, Megan Kudzia, and Kristen Mapes
- April 3, Workshop – Exhibiting Collections through Time and Space with Neatline (Neatline instructions and tutorial), led by Brandon Locke and Scout Calvert
Fall 2016
- September 8, Workshop – Getting Started in the Digital Humanities: Beginner Tools (Getting Started workshop slides), led by Kristen Mapes, Devin Higgins, Megan Kudzia, Brandon Locke, & Alice Lynn McMichael
- September 20, Workshop – Github and Git for Humanists (Github workshop slides) (Github tutorial), led by Megan Kudzia
- October 5, Workshop – Visualizing Data with Tableau (Tableau tutorial), led by Kristen Mapes
- October 26, Workshop – 3D Modeling with Photogrammetry, led by Alice Lynn McMichael
- November 15, Workshop – Brief Introduction to Topic Modeling (Topic Modeling workshop slides) (Topic Modeling tutorial), led by Spencer Greenhalgh
- December 1, Locus Mini-Symposium: Modeling
Spring 2016
- January 20, Workshop – Github and Git for Humanists, led by Megan Kudzia
February 10, Workshop – Interactive Data Visualization with R- February 24, Locus Mini-Symposium: Access in a Digital Environment
- March 23, Workshop – Text Analysis with Natural Language Toolkit, led by Devin Higgins
- March 31, Speaker – Building ARCS Between Old and New Archaeological Research
- April 8, Locus Mini-Symposium – Part of the Global Digital Humanities Symposium
- April 8-9, Global Digital Humanities Symposium (Symposium website)
Fall 2015
- September 9, Workshop – Getting Started with Humanities Data: Beginner Tools (Getting Started workshop slides), led by Kristen Mapes, Devin Higgins, Thomas Padilla, Bobby Smiley, & Brandon Locke
- September 16, Reading Group – Programming for Humanists
- September 23, Workshop – Getting Data: Collections, Documents, and the Web, led by Thomas Padilla & Brandon Locke
- September 30, Reading Group – Large Scale Text Analysis with R, led by Laura McGrath
- October 7, Workshop – Introduction to Data Visualization (Visualization workshop slides) (Visualization tutorial), led by Kristen Mapes & Bobby Smiley
- October 14 , Locus Mini-Symposium: Pedagogy in a Digital Age
- October 21, Workshop – Introduction to Open Web Mapping, led by Katy Meyers Emery
- October 23, Speaker – Darwin’s Semantic Voyage: Exploration and Exploitation of Victorian Science in the Reading Notebooks, Colin Allen
- October 28, Reading Group – Digital Publishing
- November 4, Workshop – Introduction to TEI, led by James Walters
- November 11, Reading Group – Undergraduate Labor Ethics
- November 18, Locus Mini-Symposium: Visualizing and Narrating Space
- December 4, Workshop – D3 JS Workshop (D3 JS workshop video recording) (D3 JS tutorial) (D3 JS workshop etherpad notes)
Spring 2015
- January 20, Workshop – Web Based Mapping (Mapping workshop slides), led by Kristen Mapes & Bobby Smiley
- January 28, Reading Group – Topic Modeling, led by Sean Pue
- February 3, Workshop – Mapping with QGIS (QGIS resource guide), led by Kathleen Weessies
- February 11, Reading Group – Corpus Selection, led by Erin Beard
- February 17, Workshop – Data Preparation for Digital Humanities Research (Data Prep workshop slides) (Data Prep tutorial), led by Thomas Padilla
- February 25, Locus Mini-Symposium: Spatial Analysis in Humanities and Social Sciences
- March 16, Speaker – Why I Don’t Do Digital Humanities: Regional Collaboration in the Digital Liberal Arts, William Pannapacker
- March 17, Workshop – Text Analysis with Python (Python workshop slides) (Python reference guide), led by Devin Higgins & Thomas Padilla
- March 24, Speaker – Approaches to Analysis of Verbal Data, Cheryl Geisler
- March 25, Reading Group – What is the Dark Side of DH?, led by Matt Handelman
- April 2, Workshop – Humanities Data Creation, led by Brandon Locke & Thomas Padilla
- April 9, Locus Mini-Symposium: Text Analysis in Humanities and Social Sciences
- April 15, Reading Group – Ethnicity & Race in DH, led by Ellen Moll
- May 1, Speaker – New Possibilities for Historical Reconstructions with Unity 3D and Azimuth, James Coltrain
- May 27-30, HASTAC Conference (Conference website)
Fall 2014
- September 10, Workshop – Getting Started with Humanities Data: Beginner Tools (Getting Started workshop slides), led by Kristen Mapes, Devin Higgins, Thomas Padilla, Bobby Smiley, & Brandon Locke
- September 18, DH Brownbag Lunch
- September 24, Workshop – Omeka: Showcasing Digital Collections (Omeka workshop slides), led by Brandon Locke & Kristen Mapes
- October 2, DH Brownbag Lunch – Project Management (Project Management notes)
- October 8, Workshop – Introduction to Digital Mapping (Mapping workshop slides), led by Kristen Mapes & Bobby Smiley
- October 16, DH Brownbag Lunch
- October 29, Workshop – Principles of Network Analysis (slides) (Network Analysis tutorial) (Network Analysis data), led by Thomas Padilla & Brandon Locke
- October 30, DH Brownbag Lunch
- November 5, Workshop – Reading from a Distance: Introduction to Text Analysis (Text Analysis workshop slides), led by Devin Higgins & Thomas Padilla
- November 13, DH Brownbag Lunch