For those who missed the workshop on December 4, there is a recording available, as well as the workshop tutorial and notes!
Workshop materials available:
- Video recording of the workshop – [begin just after the 17 minute mark. It cuts off early, unfortunately.]
watch?v=eIrZjVH0Zcg&feature= - Tutorial materials for the workshop created by Emily Dolson – http://emilydolson.github.
io/D3-visualising-data/ - Notes and chat from the workshop in Etherpad – https://etherpad.wikimedia.
Friday, December 4, 2015
MSU Main Library, 3-West Instruction Room
Free + snacks and coffee will be provided.
Sponsored by the College of Arts and Letters Digital Humanities Program, Social Science Data Analytics, and MSU Libraries.
Instructor: Emily Dolson
D3 (which stands for Data Driven Documents) is a Javascript library that enables you to display data in a flexible way. Since it’s a Javascript library, these visualizations can easily be shared either offline or via the internet. The option to add interactive elements to your visualization lends itself to making your data easy for others to explore. During this workshop we’ll cover the basics of using d3.js to visualize data. No prior web programming experience required (we’ll teach you the necessary Javascript and html), but this workshop is aimed at people with some programming experience.
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