Register to Attend

What is THATCamp?

THATCamp (which stands for “The Humanities and Technology Camp”) is a gathering where the agenda is set by attendees on the day of the event based on what people want to learn and/or share. It is an event where students, staff, and faculty from any discipline and from all skill levels learn and build together in sessions proposed, led, and voted upon by the community. This “un-conference” event is a fun, low stakes way to engage and learn from like-minded folks in the MSU community about new and emerging ideas in the digital humanities field. Unlike typical conferences, at THATCamp, we set the schedule the morning of the event based by voting on a series of possible sessions proposed that day by participants. The event will be held from 8:45am to 3pm on Tuesday August 20, 2024, in the Digital Scholarship Lab of the MSU Library, but attendees may come and go as their schedule allows. 


At DH@MSU THATCamp, we create space for meeting fellow members of the community in informal networking sessions, and we encourage people to share their work in impromptu discussions and workshops.

DH@MSU started hosting bi-annual THATCamps each August and January targeted at MSU faculty, staff, and students for a few reasons:

  1. To bring people back together at the start of the semester
  2. To introduce new folks to the DH@MSU community
  3. Share knowledge, expertise, and skills among the community
  4. Build connections between community members for future collaborations, troubleshooting, and less formal interactions

This day-long unconference is a fantastic opportunity for members of the DH@MSU community (old and new) to gather, learn from each other, and make connections to carry forward into the academic year.

THATCamp is FREE, but we do strongly encourage registration in advance (it helps us determine how much pizza and coffee to buy). A tentative schedule and the registration form are available below. Please direct any questions to Max Evjen (

This event will operate under the Code of Conduct for THATCamp MSU


8:45 – 9:00 AM Check-in/breakfast

9 – 9:20 AM intro/welcome/about DH@MSU

9:20 – 9:35 AM About THATCamp

9:35-9:50 AM Brainstorming

9:50 – 10 AM Voting

10 – 10:15 AM Break

10:15 – 11:15 AM Session 1

11:15 – 11:30 AM Break

11:30 AM – 12:30 PM Session 2

12:30 – 1:30 PM Lunch

1:30 – 2:30 PM Session 3

2:30 – 2:45 PM Break

2:45 – 3:30 PM Share out from the sessions, closing thoughts, and next steps.

Technology and Communication

DH@MSU is on Mastodon and Instagram! Follow us there, and use the hashtag #MSUDH

Additional Information

Mask Policy

As of August 10, 2022, MSU has lifted its face-covering directive. Masks are encouraged, but they are not required.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this event, please do not hesitate to contact DH@MSU at or planning committee chair Max Evjen at