Dr. Geisler will give a talk on Monday, March 23, 4:00pm in Bessey Hall, Room 300 (Writing Center). She will also give a workshop on Tuesday, March 24, 10:00am – 3:00pm in B342 Wells Hall.

This talk and workshop are part of the WRAC Department’s Speaker Series as well as the Road to HASTAC Speaker Series.

As scholars and teachers, we often find ourselves with access to copious amounts of texts, talk, or other verbal data, but with little idea on how to approach its analysis. In this workshop, Cheryl Geisler will provide an introduction to the systematic coding of verbal data. Following the presentation of sample analyses, participants will be introduced to the assumptions underlying analysis, the criteria for a good analysis, and the analytic process. Participants will be given a chance to work on a sample analysis and compare their results with one another. The last segment of the workshop will be given over to small group consultation in which participants will have a chance to share projects and receive advice about conducting an analysis.

Featured image “Drawing Water” courtesy of Flickr user @sansumbrella