Watch Dr. Churchill’s lecture here:
Join us for the 2023 Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Suzanne Churchill in the Green Room of the MSU Main Library (4th Floor, West) on Thursday, November 16th, 4:00-5:30pm.

“THE future is limitless”: Mina Loy as a Model for Inclusive DH Designs
Dr. Churchill will showcase a series of projects that develop and theorize a practice she calls “inclusive UX design.”
Graduate Student Lunch with Dr. Churchill
Digital Humanities is arranging a lunch for graduate students to meet with Dr. Churchill on Thursday, November 16th, 2023, 12:00-1:00pm in Linton Hall 120. Graduate Students from any discipline are welcome to join. Please RSVP by 12pm Tuesday 11/14/23 so we know how much Potbelly to order.