Monday, January 18, 2021
Location: Online!
Register to attend!
(Register by Sunday, January 17, 2021)
In light of recent changes to the MSU Spring Semester schedule, THATCamp will be a shorter event than originally planned and will run from 10:00am to 12:00pm. The event (THATCamp Lite) will take place virtually, and has been modified from an all-day unconference to reduce the time asked of participants in light of the changes to the semester start date.
THATCamp is an unconference: an open, less formal meeting where students, staff, and faculty from any discipline and from all skill levels learn and build together in sessions proposed, led, and voted upon by the community. There will be time for networking, discussion, and sharing about projects.
Included in the schedule is a DH Project Showcase, which is a great way to share your work and to learn about Digital Humanities work taking place around campus via short, 1-minute lightning talks. Participants are invited to sign up to share out by adding a slide to this slidedeck in advance or on that day of THATCamp. Also, there will be a raffle!
The goals of DH@MSU THATCamp Lite are:
- To (virtually) bring people back together at the beginning of each semester
- To introduce new folks to the DH@MSU community
- Build connections between community members for future collaborations, troubleshooting, and less formal interactions
Who is THATCamp for?
This is an opportunity for people, whether formally a part of the DH@MSU community or not, to gather, learn from each other, and make connections to carry forward into the academic year. We welcome:
- Members of the DH@MSU community, old and new
- Students in the Digital Humanities undergraduate minor or graduate certificate, and students interested in the minor/certificate
- Humanists who are engaged in digital and computer-assisted research, teaching, and creation
- Anyone doing or interested in exploring work in the digital, especially (but not exclusively) in the areas of arts, humanities, and social sciences
- Family members (kids)
In the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr. day, we especially welcome ideas and work that explore social justice in addition to welcoming all work in digital humanities underway by all members of the DH@MSU community.
This is a flexible, family- and pet-friendly event.
This event will operate under the Code of Conduct for THATCamp MSU
How the day will work
Technology and Communication
Register to Participate
All times are Eastern Standard Time
- 10:00-10:10 – Welcome
- 10:10-10:30 – Meet and Greets and Introductions (breakout rooms)
- 10:30-10:45 – Discussion topic ideas – gathering proposals and voting
- 10:45-11:05 – Discussion around Voted-Upon Topics (breakout rooms)
- 11:05-11:50 – DH Project Showcase (1 minute Lighting Talks & Q&A)
- 11:50-12:00- Wrap up & Raffle
How the day will work
Meet and Greets and Introductions
Using breakout rooms, we will have 3 short meet and greet opportunities. This means that groups of 4-6 will be gathered in a breakout room to introduce themselves and answer a question prompt for ~5 minutes and then will be reshuffled into another room for ~5 minutes with different people.
Discussion Session
On the morning of THATCamp, participants will be asked to share topics of interest for discussion and then to vote on those most of interest to them. The topics with the most votes will be slotted into the discussion session.
Each session will take place in a Zoom breakout room, and participants will be able to select which session they would like to go to and to move among the sessions as desired.
DH Project Showcase
This is an opportunity for participants to share out about a project (or projects) at any stage of development through very short (60 second) lightning presentations.
Participants are encouraged to sign up in advance to share out about projects by adding information about their work directly to this slidedeck. Further instructions about what information to provide are included in the slidedeck.
Technology and Communication
THATCamp will take place on Zoom. The meeting link and information will be sent via email to registrants at the time of registration. For the best experience, please update to the most recent version of Zoom via these instructions.
When you enter the Zoom meeting room, your video and microphone will be turned off/muted by default, and you are welcome to turn them on/unmute as you prefer throughout the event. We will all convene in one room, and we will use breakout sessions to facilitate introduction sessions and the discussion section. There will be moderators available throughout the day and in each breakout room to assist with technical issues and Zoom questions.
Closed Captions will be provided throughout THATCamp Lite and made available to all in main sessions. If participants would like captions provided during breakout rooms, please let the organizers know via the Registration form or by emailing dh@msu.edu.
In addition to using Zoom for the videoconferencing portion of THATCamp, we strongly encourage all participants to join and engage in discussion and information/resource sharing on the MSUDH Slack group. Please sign up if you haven’t already at https://msudh.slack.com/signup#/.

If this is your first time signing up, you’ll be added to several “channels” when you first join, including the #thatcamp channel. The #thatcamp channel will be where we talk about the event and share resources, but we encourage you to explore the other channels as well!
Unlike Zoom, chat that happens in Slack will still be accessible after the event, so if you want to share resources with the community or revisit a conversation, you’ll be able to do that. We look forward to seeing you there!