Research Highlights 2022
DH Summer Funding Recipient Presentations: Tuesday, September 13th, 12:00PM-1:00PM (Eastern) Virtual Event REGISTER HERE Dr. Christina Boyles “AREPR and Omeka S: Developing Tools for the DH Community” Dr. Catherine Ryu…
DH Summer Funding Recipient Presentations: Tuesday, September 13th, 12:00PM-1:00PM (Eastern) Virtual Event REGISTER HERE Dr. Christina Boyles “AREPR and Omeka S: Developing Tools for the DH Community” Dr. Catherine Ryu…
Global Digital Humanities Symposium March 22-23, 2018 Main Library, Green Room Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan #msuglobaldh Keynote speakers: Schuyler Esprit (Dominica State College) Lisa Nakamura (University of…
Please consider submitting a short proposal on ideas, works in progress, or completed work for this semester's Locus talks series on December 7, 3-5pm! We are looking for presentations from…
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