The Core and Affiliated Faculty of DH@MSU are comprised of people from across units, disciplines, and job categories who are interested and engaged in Digital Humanities in all its formulations. Each February, DH@MSU welcomes applications from across campus for new participants in this community. Below, learn more about what it means to be Core or Affiliated Faculty and how to join, as well as find links to the current list of members.
Further details about the Core and Affiliated Faculty of DH@MSU are available through the Bylaws.
Core Faculty
A list of the Core Faculty is available here
DH@MSU Core Faculty members include people from across departments and units on campus who engage in digital humanities research, teaching, and other activities. Core Faculty may fall under a range of employment categories: including tenure-track faculty, non-tenure track faculty, academic specialists, and staff.
Core Faculty need not have formal assignments or academic appointments in the Digital Humanities program. The majority of Core Faculty simply engage in Digital Humanities work on campus and remain engaged in the community of DH@MSU.
How to Join
Applications to join the Core Faculty are welcomed annually in February. The Director sends out a notification to the MSUDH email listserv to solicit applications. Application packages include a letter of interest in joining the Core Faculty and a CV. The Advisory Committee then reviews applications and welcomes new Core Faculty into the community.
Core Faculty are expected to be willing to support the DH@MSU community by serving regularly on its committees, whether in an elected capacity or on non-elected committees that support the community’s work. They are also expected to attend and support, whenever possible, DH@MSU activities, such as speaker events, program celebrations, etc.
Core Faculty are able to serve on DH@MSU elected committees and to vote in elections. They receive 5 GB of storage with the MSU Domains Initiative (instead of the base level of 1 GB storage) and are eligible to apply for Seed Grant Funding.
Affiliated Faculty
A list of the Affiliated Faculty is available here
DH@MSU Affiliated Faculty members include people from across departments and units on campus who engage in digital humanities research, teaching, and other activities. Affiliated Faculty may fall under a range of employment categories: including tenure-track faculty, non-tenure track faculty, academic specialists, and staff.
Affiliated Faculty engage in Digital Humanities work on campus and remain connected in the community of DH@MSU.
How to Join
Applications to join the Affiliated Faculty are welcomed annually in February. The Director sends out a notification to the MSUDH email listserv to solicit applications. Application packages include a letter of interest in joining the Affiliated Faculty and a CV. The Advisory Committee then reviews applications and welcomes new Affiliated Faculty into the community.
Affiliated Faculty are welcomed to serve on DH@MSU non-elected committees that support the work of DH@MSU. Affiliated Faculty are expected to attend and support, whenever possible, DH@MSU activities, such as speaker events, program celebrations, etc.
Affiliated Faculty are eligible to apply for Seed Grant Funding.